Table des matières
Installation sur Arduino
Lancer Arduino, puis dans Fichier→Preferences→Url pour cartes: copier coller:
puis dans Outils→Type de cartes→Gestionnaire de cartes taper dans la zone de recherche:
puis selectionner la version la plus récente et installer
puis dans Outils→Type de cartes→ choisir NodeMCU 1.0
Informations générales sur les modules ESP8266
documentation du composant:
Utilisation comme modem
Liste des commandes AT:
Utilisation comme carte microcontroleur
carte nodemcu
carte additionnelle:
carte blynk:
alimentation carte node mcu
alimenter via vin en 5V à 9V:
module ESP 01
utilisation de toutes les broches du module E01 en E/S:
Brochage du module E12
Carte format uno R3
controle via wifi
prise toute intégrée:
carte intégrée avec relai:
monitoring batteries
Utilisation comme modem WIFI depuis un PC
Utilisation d'un point d'accès WIFI avec serveur DHCP. L'adresse IP est attribuée au module ESP et l'adresse IP est attribuée à l'interface WIFI du PC.
Lancer un terminal pour dialoguer avec le module ESP via un adaptateur USB-Série: /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
Les commandes affichées en doivent être saisie dans un second terminal .
Pour redémarrer le module:
Pour obtenir la version du firmware:
Pour obtenir le mode: (1= Station, 2= Access Point, 3=both)
Pour lister les points d'accès à portée, il faut que le module soit en mode Station:
AT+CWMODE=1 AT+CWLAP +CWLAP:(0,"78BF39",-36,"00:26:44:05:62:e7",1,-36) +CWLAP:(3,"ESPap",-81,"1a:fe:34:9b:ce:c9",11,-161)
Pour passer en mode client du point d'accès thomson “78BF39”:
Pour vérifier les paramètres du Access Point auquel le module est connecté:
AT+CWJAP? +CWJAP:"78BF39","00:26:44:05:62:e7",1,-43
Pour obtenir les adresses IP et MAC du module:
AT+CIFSR +CIFSR:STAIP,"" +CIFSR:STAMAC,"18:fe:34:e5:f4:a7"
Tester si la carte répond au ping
Pour pinger depuis le module ESP
Pour déterminer le status (2 The ESP8266 Station is connected to an AP and its IP is obtained. 3 The ESP8266 Station has created a TCP or UDP transmission. 4 The TCP or UDP transmission of ESP8266 Station is disconnected. 5 The ESP8266 Station does NOT connect to an AP. )
Pour déterminer le nombre de connexions: single connection (AT+CIPMUX=0), multiple (AT+CIPMUX=1), le module supporte jusqu'à 4 connexions
Pour déterminer comment sont récupérées les données reçues: (0 - data received will be send to serial port with +IPD,<connection channel>,<length> format. (AT+CIPMUX=[0,1] )
Pour passer en mode transparent (les caractères envoyés au module via UART ne sont pas interprétés comme des commandes AT mais comme des données)
Pour ouvrir une socket UDP (ou TCP):
AT+CIPSTART=? AT+CIPSTART="UDP","",10000,10000
Lancer le script pour que le module recoive un message
Le terminal du module ESP doit afficher
+IPD,20,,57449:This is the message.
Pour que lors de la réception, le module n'inclue pas IP et Port distant:
AT+CIPDINFO=0 +IPD,20:This is the message.
Pour que lors de la réception, le module inclue IP et Port distant:
AT+CIPDINFO=1 +IPD,20,,57449:This is the message.
Lancer le script pour recevoir les données émises par le module.
Pour envoyer un message de 10 octets:
AT+CIPSEND=10 > 123456abcd +IPD,18:echoed: 123456abcd OK
Le message doit s'afficher dans la fenêtre de
received "b'123456abcd'"
Pour fermer la socket:
Lancer le script ./ pour dialoguer avec le module via une interface graphique. Cliquer sur les boutons Led, le module doit afficher les datagrammes correspondants. Pour que le module envoie un datagramme à l'application graphique.
AT+CIPSEND=35 > compteur= 123456 b1:0 b2:1 b3:0 AT+CIPSEND=35 > compteur= 123456 b1:0 b2:0 b3:0
Configuration passerelle et masque de sous réseau
Scripts python
#!/usr/bin/python3 #Bertrand Vandeportaele 2019 # import socket import sys # Create a UDP socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) #server_address = ('localhost', 10000) #esp8266 via AP thomson server_address = ('', 10000) message = 'This is the message.' try: # Send data print ('sending "%s"' % message) sent = sock.sendto(message.encode(), server_address) finally: print ( 'closing socket') sock.close()
#!/usr/bin/python3 #Bertrand Vandeportaele 2019 # import socket import sys import fcntl,errno,os # Create a UDP socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) #server_address = ('localhost', 10000) #premier champ vide pour recevoir depuis n'importe quelle adresse,sinon IP en chaine de caractères server_address = ('', 10000) sock.bind(server_address) #fcntl.fcntl(sock, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) #rend les appels non bloquants print('Press CTRL+C to quit') try: while(True): # Receive response print('waiting to receive') data, server = sock.recvfrom(4096) print ( 'received "%s"' % data) finally: print ( 'closing socket') sock.close()
Application carte pour automatisme porte de garage
Programme pour porte garage
- Blink_udp_8266_Bvdp.ino
//B. Vandeportaele 2018 //The blue LED on the ESP-01 module is connected to GPIO1 //(which is also the TXD pin; so we cannot use Serial.print() at the same time) #define RELAY_OPEN 14 #define RELAY_CLOSE 12 #define RELAY_LIGHT 16 //inputs connected to button that connect the input to GND when pressed //pin 5 erroneously numbered 4 on the PCB #define BUTTON_OPEN 5 #define BUTTON_CLOSE 13 //pin 4 erroneously numbered 5 on the PCB #define LASER_SENSOR 4 //The laser and the sensor can both work at 3.3V. The output of the sensor is at logic high level when it does not receive enough light //disconnect from the sensor and connect this pin to GND to disable the laser barrier security #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <WiFiUdp.h> WiFiUDP Client; // A UDP instance to let us send and receive packets over UDP WiFiUDP udp; // wifi connection variables #include "wifidata.h" //These values are set in "wifidata.h" //unsigned int localPort = -----------; // local port to listen for UDP packets //const char* ssid = "----------------"; //const char* password = "---------------------"; #ifdef TRANSMITOVERWIFI String ip = ""; // the remote IP address IPAddress Ip; #endif // /home/bvandepo/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.3.0-rc2/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src/ESP8266WiFi.h // /home/bvandepo/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.3.0-rc2/cores/esp8266/IPAddress.h ////////////////////////////////////////// void Debug(char * msg) { #if 1 Serial.print(msg); #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned long computeDeltaTime(unsigned long time_begin){ unsigned long time_current; unsigned long time_delta; time_current=micros(); if (time_current>time_begin) time_delta=time_current-time_begin; else //in case micros has rolled over 2^32, may happen approx. once each hour (3600000000us) time_delta=time_current-(time_begin-(unsigned long )4294967296); return time_delta; } ////////////////////////////////////////// #define INACTIVE 0 #define SHORT_PRESS_DURATION_MIN_US 500000 #define SHORT_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US 1000000 #define SHORT_PRESS 1 #define LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MIN_US 1500000 #define LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US 2000000 #define LONG_PRESS 2 //longer than LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US #define CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS 3 #define PRESSED 4 #define STOP_CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS 5 ////////////////////////////////////////// class Button{ public: //////////// int fsm_state; int active_state; int pin; char *name; unsigned long time_begin; unsigned long duration; //for the current action //////////// Button(int pin_init,char * name_init, int active_state_init){ pin=pin_init; name=name_init; active_state=active_state_init; if (active_state==0) pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP); else pinMode(pin, INPUT); //_PULLDOWN not available, the pull down has to be attached physically to the pin fsm_state=INACTIVE; //TODO manage the case when the button is already active at startup.... } //////////// void loop(){ unsigned long time_delta=computeDeltaTime(time_begin); switch(fsm_state){ case CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS "); if (digitalRead(pin)!=active_state) { fsm_state=STOP_CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS; } break; case PRESSED: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is PRESSED "); //check if the button is being realeassed if (digitalRead(pin)!=active_state) { if (time_delta<SHORT_PRESS_DURATION_MIN_US) fsm_state=INACTIVE; //may be a parasite pulse else if ( (time_delta>=SHORT_PRESS_DURATION_MIN_US) && (time_delta<=SHORT_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US)) fsm_state=SHORT_PRESS; else if ( (time_delta>=LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MIN_US) && (time_delta<=LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US)) fsm_state=LONG_PRESS; //else longer... the realesed is treated in fsm_state=CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS } else if (time_delta>LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US) fsm_state=CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS; break; case SHORT_PRESS: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is SHORT_PRESS "); break; case LONG_PRESS: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is LONG_PRESS "); break; case STOP_CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is STOP_CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS "); break; case INACTIVE: default: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is INACTIVE "); //check if the button is being pressed if (digitalRead(pin)==active_state) { fsm_state=PRESSED; time_begin=micros(); } break; } } //////////// bool isPressed(){ return (fsm_state==PRESSED); //this does not indicate that the button is currently pressed but that the fsm is in the pressed state. The button can be pressed and //the fsm be in one of these states: || (fsm_state==CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS) || (fsm_state==SHORT_PRESS) || (fsm_state==LONG_PRESS) ); } //////////// bool isShortPressed(){ if (fsm_state==SHORT_PRESS){ fsm_state=INACTIVE; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isLongPressed(){ if (fsm_state==LONG_PRESS){ fsm_state=INACTIVE; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isContinuousLongPressed(){ return (fsm_state==CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS ); //don't change the state of the button } //////////// bool isStoppedContinuousLongPressed(){ if (fsm_state==STOP_CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS){ fsm_state=INACTIVE; return true; }else return false; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////// Button buttonOpen(BUTTON_OPEN,"BUTTON_OPEN",0); Button buttonClose(BUTTON_CLOSE,"BUTTON_CLOSE",0); ////////////////////////////////////////// class SimpleInput{ public: //////////// int pin; char *name; int active_state; //////////// SimpleInput(int pin_init,char * name_init, int active_state_init){ pin=pin_init; name=name_init; active_state=active_state_init; if (active_state==0) pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP); else pinMode(pin, INPUT); //_PULLDOWN not available, the pull down has to be attached physically to the pin } //////////// bool isActive(){ Debug(name); if (digitalRead(pin)==active_state) { Debug(" input is ACTIVE\n"); return true; }else{ Debug(" input is INACTIVE\n"); return false; } } //////////// }; ////////////////////////////////////////// SimpleInput laserSensor(LASER_SENSOR,"LASER_SENSOR",0); ////////////////////////////////////////// #define RELAY_LIGHT_OFF 1 #define RELAY_LIGHT_ON 0 #define DURATION_LIGHT_PULSE 500000 class LightPulseSwitch{ public: //////////// int pin; int state; unsigned long time_begin; //////////// LightPulseSwitch(int pin_init){ pin=pin_init; digitalWrite(pin,RELAY_LIGHT_OFF); pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); state=RELAY_LIGHT_OFF; } //////////// void commute(){ if (state==RELAY_LIGHT_OFF){ Debug("commute RELAY_LIGHT_ON"); time_begin=micros(); state=RELAY_LIGHT_ON; digitalWrite(pin,RELAY_LIGHT_ON); } } //////////// void loop(){ if (state==RELAY_LIGHT_ON){ unsigned long time_delta=computeDeltaTime(time_begin); if (time_delta>=DURATION_LIGHT_PULSE) { Debug("commute RELAY_LIGHT_OFF"); state=RELAY_LIGHT_OFF; digitalWrite(pin,RELAY_LIGHT_OFF); } } } }; ////////////////////////////////////////// LightPulseSwitch light(RELAY_LIGHT); ////////////////////////////////////////// #define WAITING 0 #define OPENING 1 #define CLOSING 2 #define OPENED 3 #define CLOSED 4 #define DURATION_OPEN_US 60000000 #define DURATION_CLOSE_US DURATION_OPEN_US #define DURATION_OPEN_SMALL_US 20000000 #define DURATION_CLOSE_SMALL_US (DURATION_CLOSE_US-DURATION_OPEN_SMALL_US) #define RELAY_DOOR_OFF 1 #define RELAY_DOOR_ON 0 class Door{ public: //////////// int pin_open; int pin_close; unsigned long time_begin; unsigned long duration; //for the current action int fsm_state; //////////// Door( int pin_open_init, int pin_close_init) { pin_open= pin_open_init; pin_close=pin_close_init; digitalWrite(pin_open,RELAY_DOOR_OFF); digitalWrite(pin_close,RELAY_DOOR_OFF); pinMode(pin_open, OUTPUT); pinMode(pin_close, OUTPUT); fsm_state=WAITING; } //////////// bool isOpening(){ return (fsm_state==OPENING); } //////////// bool isClosing(){ return (fsm_state==CLOSING); } //////////// bool isMoving(){ return ( (fsm_state==OPENING) || (fsm_state==CLOSING)); } //////////// void open(long int duration_init){ Debug("open\n"); time_begin=micros(); duration=duration_init; fsm_state=OPENING; digitalWrite(pin_close,RELAY_DOOR_OFF); delay(100); //let time for the first relay to switch off digitalWrite(pin_open, RELAY_DOOR_ON); } //////////// void close(long int duration_init){ Debug("close\n"); time_begin=micros(); duration=duration_init; fsm_state=CLOSING; digitalWrite(pin_open, RELAY_DOOR_OFF); delay(100); //let time for the first relay to switch off digitalWrite(pin_close,RELAY_DOOR_ON); } //////////// void pause(){ Debug("pause\n"); time_begin=micros(); fsm_state=WAITING; digitalWrite(pin_open, RELAY_DOOR_OFF); digitalWrite(pin_close,RELAY_DOOR_OFF); } //////////// void loop(){ unsigned long time_delta=computeDeltaTime(time_begin); switch (fsm_state){ case OPENED: case CLOSED: case WAITING: default: Debug("waiting\n"); digitalWrite(pin_open, RELAY_DOOR_OFF); digitalWrite(pin_close,RELAY_DOOR_OFF); break; case CLOSING: if (time_delta<duration) { Debug("closing"); char msg[15]; snprintf(msg,14," %d / %d s\n",time_delta/1000000,duration/1000000); Debug(msg); } else { Debug("closed\n"); fsm_state=CLOSED; } break; case OPENING: if (time_delta<duration) { Debug("opening"); char msg[15]; snprintf(msg,14," %d / %d s\n",time_delta/1000000,duration/1000000); Debug(msg); } else { Debug("opened\n"); fsm_state=OPENED; } break; } } //////////// }; ////////////////////////////////////////// Door door(RELAY_OPEN,RELAY_CLOSE); ////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef TRANSMITOVERWIFI void sendMessage(byte message[]) { //sprintf((char*)message,"Hello ca va la?"); udp.beginPacket(Ip, 10000); udp.write(message, strlen((char*)message)); udp.endPacket(); } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////// int getMessage(byte message[], int maxByte){ int cb = udp.parsePacket(); if (cb==0) return 0; //no dataavailable, quit if (cb>maxByte) cb=maxByte; //don't overrun the buffer, the remaining part of the message WILL BE LOST!! // We've received a packet, read the data from it, cb); // read the packet into the buffer message[cb]=0; //add a 0 after the content in the buffer return cb; } ////////////////////////////////////////// #define BUFFER_RX_MAX 100 #define ERROR -1 #define NOTHING 0 #define OPENTHEDOOR 1 #define CLOSETHEDOOR 2 #define STOPTHEDOOR 3 #define SWITCHTHELIGHT 4 #define STARTING 5 #define WAITINGFORCONNECTION 6 #define CONNECTED 7 class Communication{ public: int state; //last message received byte message[BUFFER_RX_MAX+1]; //+1 to add an additional 0 after the received bytes to ensure that the string is correctly finished, even if the sender sent some errors //////////// Communication() { state=STARTING; } //////////// void loop(){ //doc at if (state==STARTING){ //Wifi Configuration Serial.println ( "Wifi Configuration" ); #ifdef TRANSMITOVERWIFI Ip.fromString(ip); #endif WiFi.begin ( ssid, password ); // Wait for connection state=WAITINGFORCONNECTION; } else if (state==WAITINGFORCONNECTION){ if ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) { Serial.print ( "WAITINGFORCONNECTION\n" ); }else{ state=CONNECTED; } } else if (state==CONNECTED){ Serial.println ( "" ); Serial.print ( "Connected to " ); Serial.println ( ssid ); Serial.print ( "Local IP address: " ); Serial.println ( WiFi.localIP() ); Serial.println("Starting UDP socket"); udp.begin(localPort); Serial.print("Local port: "); Serial.println(udp.localPort()); state=NOTHING; } else{ if ( WiFi.status()==WL_CONNECTION_LOST){ Serial.print ( "WL_CONNECTION_LOST\n" ); state=STARTING; } else if ( WiFi.status()==WL_DISCONNECTED){ Serial.print ( "WL_DISCONNECTED\n" ); state=STARTING; } else{ int n=getMessage(message, BUFFER_RX_MAX); if (n==0) Debug("."); else{ Debug("packet received, length="); char msg[11]; snprintf(msg,10,"%d",n); Debug(msg); Debug(", content= "); Debug((char*)message); if (strcmp((char*)message,"OpenTheDoorCompletelyPlease")==0){ state=OPENTHEDOOR; Debug(" -> Open The Door\n"); } else if (strcmp((char*)message,"CloseTheDoorCompletelyPlease")==0){ state=CLOSETHEDOOR; Debug(" -> Close The Door\n"); } else if (strcmp((char*)message,"StopTheDoor")==0){ state=STOPTHEDOOR; Debug(" -> StopTheDoor\n"); } else if (strcmp((char*)message,"SwitchTheLight")==0){ state=SWITCHTHELIGHT; Debug(" -> SwitchTheLight\n"); } else{ state=ERROR; Debug(" -> Error\n"); } } } } } //////////// bool isOpenTheDoor(){ if (state==OPENTHEDOOR){ state=NOTHING; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isCloseTheDoor(){ if (state==CLOSETHEDOOR){ state=NOTHING; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isStopTheDoor(){ if (state==STOPTHEDOOR){ state=NOTHING; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isSwitchTheLight(){ if (state==SWITCHTHELIGHT){ state=NOTHING; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isError(){ if (state==ERROR){ state=NOTHING; return true; }else return false; } //////////// }; ////////////////////////////////////////// Communication communication; ////////////////////////////////////////// //Be carefull, The Watchdog resets every 4 seconds if the loop function is not finished ////////////////////////////////////////// void test_buttons_and_relays() { int b_o,b_c; Serial.print( "test_buttons_and_relays(): " ); b_o=digitalRead(BUTTON_OPEN); b_c=digitalRead(BUTTON_CLOSE); digitalWrite(RELAY_OPEN, b_o); digitalWrite(RELAY_CLOSE,b_c); Serial.print( "b_o: " ); Serial.print(b_o); Serial.print( ", b_c: " ); Serial.println(b_c); delay(100); } ////////////////////////////////////////// void setup() { //serial communication setup for debugging Serial.begin ( 115200 ); delay(100); Serial.println ( "Serial Configuration Completed" ); Serial.println( "Compiled: " __DATE__ ", " __TIME__ ", " __VERSION__); //GPIOs Configuration Serial.println ( "GPIOs Configuration (some already done through constructors)" ); //Wifi Configuration done in first iterations of communication.loop }; ////////////////////////////////////////// // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { //Serial.println(micros()); //test_buttons_and_relays(); //FSM Loops for buttons and communication have to be executed before using the state buttonOpen.loop(); buttonClose.loop(); communication.loop(); if (laserSensor.isActive()){ if( buttonOpen.isShortPressed()); if( buttonOpen.isLongPressed() || communication.isOpenTheDoor()); if( buttonOpen.isContinuousLongPressed()); if( buttonClose.isShortPressed()) door.close(DURATION_CLOSE_SMALL_US); if( buttonClose.isLongPressed() || communication.isCloseTheDoor()) door.close(DURATION_CLOSE_US); if( buttonClose.isContinuousLongPressed()) door.close(DURATION_CLOSE_US); } else { //stop the door, there is an obstacle door.pause(); //remove pending commands from buttons and communication to avoid unwanted starting when the laser sensor will be active again buttonOpen.isShortPressed(); buttonOpen.isLongPressed(); communication.isOpenTheDoor(); buttonOpen.isContinuousLongPressed(); buttonClose.isShortPressed(); buttonClose.isLongPressed(); communication.isCloseTheDoor(); buttonClose.isContinuousLongPressed(); Debug("Laser Barrier Sensor has detected an obstacle, the door is stopped\n"); } if( buttonClose.isStoppedContinuousLongPressed() || buttonOpen.isStoppedContinuousLongPressed() || communication.isStopTheDoor()) door.pause(); if ( (door.isClosing() && buttonOpen.isPressed()) || (door.isOpening() && buttonClose.isPressed()) ) door.pause(); if (communication.isSwitchTheLight()) light.commute(); door.loop(); light.loop(); delay(100); //for debuging purposes, it slows the display } //////////////////////////////////////////
télécommande voiture pour marc
Carte marc Arduino D1 Mini
Problème suite à upload
sur cette page , ils parlent d'un fichier blank_4MB.bin a flasher pour remettre la carte en config initiale :
pour réparer: