page de présentation: schematic de la due: emplacement des fichiers spécifiques pour la carte DUE C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\sam\variants\arduino_due_x programme principal C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\sam\cores\arduino\main.cpp inspiré de: volatile boolean l; void TC0_Handler() { long dummy=REG_TC0_SR0; // vital - reading this clears some flag // otherwise you get infinite interrupts l= !l; } void setup(){ pinMode(13,OUTPUT); pinMode(2,OUTPUT); // port B pin 25 analogWrite(2,255); // sets up some other registers I haven't worked out yet REG_PIOB_PDR = 1<<25; // disable PIO, enable peripheral REG_PIOB_ABSR= 1<<25; // select peripheral B REG_TC0_WPMR=0x54494D00; // enable write to registers REG_TC0_CMR0=0b00000000000010011100010000000000; // set channel mode register (see datasheet) REG_TC0_RC0=100000000/3; // counter period REG_TC0_RA0=30000000; // PWM value REG_TC0_CCR0=0b101; // start counter REG_TC0_IER0=0b00010000; // enable interrupt on counter=rc REG_TC0_IDR0=0b11101111; // disable other interrupts NVIC_EnableIRQ(TC0_IRQn); // enable TC0 interrupts } void loop(){ digitalWrite(13,l); } avec digitalWrite 2,5us par changement d'état, avec la commande directe des registres, 25ns par changement d'état (utiliser sonde atténuatrice 10x sur l'oscillo) inspiré de: /* Blink Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly. Most Arduinos have an on-board LED you can control. On the Uno and Leonardo, it is attached to digital pin 13. If you're unsure what pin the on-board LED is connected to on your Arduino model, check the documentation at This example code is in the public domain. modified 8 May 2014 by Scott Fitzgerald */ // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin 13 as an output. pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it PIOB->PIO_SODR=1<<27; //lights the LED equivalent à PORTB |= 1<<27; PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it // digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) //delay(1000); // wait for a second //digitalWrite(13, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW PIOB->PIO_CODR=1<<27; //clears it //delay(1000); // wait for a second } ===== sonde JTAG pour debugger ===== prix 74 pounds chez farnell: