function val = bicubicInterpolationMulti(x, y, data) %B. Vandeportaele % % %A is a k.l.m matrix, m being the number of channels nbchannels=size(data,3); %preallocate the return value val=zeros(nbchannels,1); %Control points x0 = floor(x); y0 = floor(y); x_1 = x0-1; x1 = x0+1; x2 = x0+2; y_1 = y0-1; y1 = y0+1; y2 = y0+2; for n=1:nbchannels % Function evaluated at control points f_1_1 = data(y_1,x_1,n); f_10 = data(y0,x_1,n); f_11 = data(y1,x_1,n); f_12 = data(y2,x_1,n); f0_1 = data(y_1,x0,n); f00 = data(y0,x0,n); f01 = data(y1, x0,n); f02 = data(y2, x0,n); f1_1 = data(y_1, x1,n); f10 = data(y0, x1,n); f11 = data(y1, x1,n); f12 = data(y2, x1,n); f2_1 = data(y_1, x2,n); f20 = data(y0, x2,n); f21 = data(y1, x2,n); f22 = data(y2, x2,n); % Derivatives in x evaluated at control points fx0_1 = (f1_1 - f_1_1)/2; fx00 = (f10 - f_10)/2; fx01 = (f11 - f_11)/2; fx02 = (f12 - f_12)/2; fx1_1 = (f2_1 - f0_1)/2; fx10 = (f20 - f00)/2; fx11 = (f21 - f01)/2; fx12 = (f22 - f02)/2; % Derivatives in y evaluated at control points fy00 = (f01 - f0_1)/2; fy10 = (f11 - f1_1)/2; fy01 = (f02 - f00)/2; fy11 = (f12 - f10)/2; % Derivatives in x and y evaluated at control points fxy00 = (fx01 - fx0_1)/2; fxy10 = (fx11 - fx1_1)/2; fxy01 = (fx02 - fx00)/2; fxy11 = (fx12 - fx10)/2; % Interpolation Px=[1,(x-x0),(x-x0)^2,(x-x0)^3]; %don't know why but sometime the generated Px is a column vector Px=reshape(Px,1,4); Py=[1;(y-y0);(y-y0)^2;(y-y0)^3]; A=[ 1 0 0 0; ... Coefficients aij 0 0 1 0; ... -3 3 -2 -1; ... 2 -2 1 1]; F=[ f00 f01 fy00 fy01; ... f10 f11 fy10 fy11; ... fx00 fx01 fxy00 fxy01; ... fx10 fx11 fxy10 fxy11]; val(n)=Px*A*F*A'*Py; end