function plotcovar(u,v,C,m1,m2) %get from % Get the 95% confidence interval error ellipse chisquare_val = 2.4477; %INFO: pour une covariance=identité, trace un cercle de RAYON chisquare_val %pour une covariance diagonale, les termes de variance sont les carrés des écarts type %l'ellipse tracée un aura ses DEMI-axes de longeur ecart type * chisquare_val %hold on %plotcovar(10,20,[2,4;3,1],'r+','b-'); %plotcovar(10,20,[1,0;0,1],'r+','b-'); plot(u,v,m1) %bvdp, added step to inforce that C is symetric %if this precaution is not taken, this kind of matrix can be provided %C=[0.999999999999951 2.73114864057789e-14;-1.50990331349021e-14 0.999999999999964] %and it will result in complex eigen value, which won't be treatable by the %atan2 function used later... Cm=(C(2,1)+C(1,2))/2; C(2,1)=Cm; C(1,2)=Cm; % Calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues covariance =C; [eigenvec, eigenval ] = eig(covariance); [eigenvec, eigenval ] = eig(covariance,'nobalance'); % Get the index of the largest eigenvector [largest_eigenvec_ind_c, r] = find(eigenval == max(max(eigenval))); largest_eigenvec = eigenvec(:, largest_eigenvec_ind_c); % Get the largest eigenvalue largest_eigenval = max(max(eigenval)); % Get the smallest eigenvector and eigenvalue if(largest_eigenvec_ind_c == 1) smallest_eigenval = max(eigenval(:,2)); smallest_eigenvec = eigenvec(:,2); else smallest_eigenval = max(eigenval(:,1)); smallest_eigenvec = eigenvec(1,:); end % Calculate the angle scriptshellbetween the x-axis and the largest eigenvector angle = atan2(largest_eigenvec(2), largest_eigenvec(1)); % This angle is between -pi and pi. % Let's shift it such that the angle is between 0 and 2pi if(angle < 0) angle = angle + 2*pi; end % Get the coordinates of the data mean avg = [u;v]; %mean(data); theta_grid = linspace(0,2*pi); phi = angle; X0=avg(1); Y0=avg(2); a=chisquare_val*sqrt(largest_eigenval); b=chisquare_val*sqrt(smallest_eigenval); % the ellipse in x and y coordinates ellipse_x_r = a*cos( theta_grid ); ellipse_y_r = b*sin( theta_grid ); %Define a rotation matrix R = [ cos(phi) sin(phi); -sin(phi) cos(phi) ]; %let's rotate the ellipse to some angle phi r_ellipse = [ellipse_x_r;ellipse_y_r]' * R; % Draw the error ellipse plot(r_ellipse(:,1) + X0,r_ellipse(:,2) + Y0,m2) %hold on; % Plot the original data %plot(data(:,1), data(:,2), '.'); %mindata = min(min(data)); %maxdata = max(max(data)); %Xlim([mindata-3, maxdata+3]); %Ylim([mindata-3, maxdata+3]); %hold on; % Plot the eigenvectors %quiver(X0, Y0, largest_eigenvec(1)*sqrt(largest_eigenval), largest_eigenvec(2)*sqrt(largest_eigenval), '-m', 'LineWidth',2); %quiver(X0, Y0, smallest_eigenvec(1)*sqrt(smallest_eigenval), smallest_eigenvec(2)*sqrt(smallest_eigenval), '-g', 'LineWidth',2); %hold on; % Set the axis labels %hXLabel = xlabel('x'); %hYLabel = ylabel('y');