Reload and retrigger udev to apply uEye rules... *************************************************************************** Successfully installed ueyeusbd. Start (as root) with: /etc/init.d/ueyeusbdrc start If ueyeusbd hangs and does not terminate on rc 'stop' command, run (as root) /etc/init.d/ueyeusbdrc force-stop NOTE that the daemon refuses to terminate if there are clients connected! To uninstall, run '/usr/local/share/ueye/bin/ueyed_install-usb uninstall'. If a graphical desktop environment is available, one may use the uEye Camera Manager to configure cameras and services. To start it, type idscameramanager on the command line or in the graphical application launcher. If idscameramanager shall be used for daemon configuration and service control, it _must_ be started as root.