//B. Vandeportaele 2018 //The blue LED on the ESP-01 module is connected to GPIO1 //(which is also the TXD pin; so we cannot use Serial.print() at the same time) #define RELAY_OPEN 14 #define RELAY_CLOSE 12 #define RELAY_LIGHT 16 //inputs connected to button that connect the input to GND when pressed //pin 5 erroneously numbered 4 on the PCB #define BUTTON_OPEN 5 #define BUTTON_CLOSE 13 //pin 4 erroneously numbered 5 on the PCB #define LASER_SENSOR 4 //The laser and the sensor can both work at 3.3V. The output of the sensor is at logic high level when it does not receive enough light //disconnect from the sensor and connect this pin to GND to disable the laser barrier security #include #include #include WiFiUDP Client; // A UDP instance to let us send and receive packets over UDP WiFiUDP udp; // wifi connection variables #include "wifidata.h" //These values are set in "wifidata.h" //unsigned int localPort = -----------; // local port to listen for UDP packets //const char* ssid = "----------------"; //const char* password = "---------------------"; #ifdef TRANSMITOVERWIFI String ip = ""; // the remote IP address IPAddress Ip; #endif // /home/bvandepo/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.3.0-rc2/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src/ESP8266WiFi.h // /home/bvandepo/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.3.0-rc2/cores/esp8266/IPAddress.h ////////////////////////////////////////// void Debug(char * msg) { #if 1 Serial.print(msg); #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned long computeDeltaTime(unsigned long time_begin){ unsigned long time_current; unsigned long time_delta; time_current=micros(); if (time_current>time_begin) time_delta=time_current-time_begin; else //in case micros has rolled over 2^32, may happen approx. once each hour (3600000000us) time_delta=time_current-(time_begin-(unsigned long )4294967296); return time_delta; } ////////////////////////////////////////// #define INACTIVE 0 #define SHORT_PRESS_DURATION_MIN_US 500000 #define SHORT_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US 1000000 #define SHORT_PRESS 1 #define LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MIN_US 1500000 #define LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US 2000000 #define LONG_PRESS 2 //longer than LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US #define CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS 3 #define PRESSED 4 #define STOP_CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS 5 ////////////////////////////////////////// class Button{ public: //////////// int fsm_state; int active_state; int pin; char *name; unsigned long time_begin; unsigned long duration; //for the current action //////////// Button(int pin_init,char * name_init, int active_state_init){ pin=pin_init; name=name_init; active_state=active_state_init; if (active_state==0) pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP); else pinMode(pin, INPUT); //_PULLDOWN not available, the pull down has to be attached physically to the pin fsm_state=INACTIVE; //TODO manage the case when the button is already active at startup.... } //////////// void loop(){ unsigned long time_delta=computeDeltaTime(time_begin); switch(fsm_state){ case CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS "); if (digitalRead(pin)!=active_state) { fsm_state=STOP_CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS; } break; case PRESSED: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is PRESSED "); //check if the button is being realeassed if (digitalRead(pin)!=active_state) { if (time_delta=SHORT_PRESS_DURATION_MIN_US) && (time_delta<=SHORT_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US)) fsm_state=SHORT_PRESS; else if ( (time_delta>=LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MIN_US) && (time_delta<=LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US)) fsm_state=LONG_PRESS; //else longer... the realesed is treated in fsm_state=CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS } else if (time_delta>LONG_PRESS_DURATION_MAX_US) fsm_state=CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS; break; case SHORT_PRESS: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is SHORT_PRESS "); break; case LONG_PRESS: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is LONG_PRESS "); break; case STOP_CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is STOP_CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS "); break; case INACTIVE: default: Debug("Button "); Debug(name); Debug(" is INACTIVE "); //check if the button is being pressed if (digitalRead(pin)==active_state) { fsm_state=PRESSED; time_begin=micros(); } break; } } //////////// bool isPressed(){ return (fsm_state==PRESSED); //this does not indicate that the button is currently pressed but that the fsm is in the pressed state. The button can be pressed and //the fsm be in one of these states: || (fsm_state==CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS) || (fsm_state==SHORT_PRESS) || (fsm_state==LONG_PRESS) ); } //////////// bool isShortPressed(){ if (fsm_state==SHORT_PRESS){ fsm_state=INACTIVE; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isLongPressed(){ if (fsm_state==LONG_PRESS){ fsm_state=INACTIVE; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isContinuousLongPressed(){ return (fsm_state==CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS ); //don't change the state of the button } //////////// bool isStoppedContinuousLongPressed(){ if (fsm_state==STOP_CONTINUOUS_LONG_PRESS){ fsm_state=INACTIVE; return true; }else return false; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////// Button buttonOpen(BUTTON_OPEN,"BUTTON_OPEN",0); Button buttonClose(BUTTON_CLOSE,"BUTTON_CLOSE",0); ////////////////////////////////////////// class SimpleInput{ public: //////////// int pin; char *name; int active_state; //////////// SimpleInput(int pin_init,char * name_init, int active_state_init){ pin=pin_init; name=name_init; active_state=active_state_init; if (active_state==0) pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP); else pinMode(pin, INPUT); //_PULLDOWN not available, the pull down has to be attached physically to the pin } //////////// bool isActive(){ Debug(name); if (digitalRead(pin)==active_state) { Debug(" input is ACTIVE\n"); return true; }else{ Debug(" input is INACTIVE\n"); return false; } } //////////// }; ////////////////////////////////////////// SimpleInput laserSensor(LASER_SENSOR,"LASER_SENSOR",0); ////////////////////////////////////////// #define RELAY_LIGHT_OFF 1 #define RELAY_LIGHT_ON 0 #define DURATION_LIGHT_PULSE 500000 class LightPulseSwitch{ public: //////////// int pin; int state; unsigned long time_begin; //////////// LightPulseSwitch(int pin_init){ pin=pin_init; digitalWrite(pin,RELAY_LIGHT_OFF); pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); state=RELAY_LIGHT_OFF; } //////////// void commute(){ if (state==RELAY_LIGHT_OFF){ Debug("commute RELAY_LIGHT_ON"); time_begin=micros(); state=RELAY_LIGHT_ON; digitalWrite(pin,RELAY_LIGHT_ON); } } //////////// void loop(){ if (state==RELAY_LIGHT_ON){ unsigned long time_delta=computeDeltaTime(time_begin); if (time_delta>=DURATION_LIGHT_PULSE) { Debug("commute RELAY_LIGHT_OFF"); state=RELAY_LIGHT_OFF; digitalWrite(pin,RELAY_LIGHT_OFF); } } } }; ////////////////////////////////////////// LightPulseSwitch light(RELAY_LIGHT); ////////////////////////////////////////// #define WAITING 0 #define OPENING 1 #define CLOSING 2 #define OPENED 3 #define CLOSED 4 #define DURATION_OPEN_US 60000000 #define DURATION_CLOSE_US DURATION_OPEN_US #define DURATION_OPEN_SMALL_US 20000000 #define DURATION_CLOSE_SMALL_US (DURATION_CLOSE_US-DURATION_OPEN_SMALL_US) #define RELAY_DOOR_OFF 1 #define RELAY_DOOR_ON 0 class Door{ public: //////////// int pin_open; int pin_close; unsigned long time_begin; unsigned long duration; //for the current action int fsm_state; //////////// Door( int pin_open_init, int pin_close_init) { pin_open= pin_open_init; pin_close=pin_close_init; digitalWrite(pin_open,RELAY_DOOR_OFF); digitalWrite(pin_close,RELAY_DOOR_OFF); pinMode(pin_open, OUTPUT); pinMode(pin_close, OUTPUT); fsm_state=WAITING; } //////////// bool isOpening(){ return (fsm_state==OPENING); } //////////// bool isClosing(){ return (fsm_state==CLOSING); } //////////// bool isMoving(){ return ( (fsm_state==OPENING) || (fsm_state==CLOSING)); } //////////// void open(long int duration_init){ Debug("open\n"); time_begin=micros(); duration=duration_init; fsm_state=OPENING; digitalWrite(pin_close,RELAY_DOOR_OFF); delay(100); //let time for the first relay to switch off digitalWrite(pin_open, RELAY_DOOR_ON); } //////////// void close(long int duration_init){ Debug("close\n"); time_begin=micros(); duration=duration_init; fsm_state=CLOSING; digitalWrite(pin_open, RELAY_DOOR_OFF); delay(100); //let time for the first relay to switch off digitalWrite(pin_close,RELAY_DOOR_ON); } //////////// void pause(){ Debug("pause\n"); time_begin=micros(); fsm_state=WAITING; digitalWrite(pin_open, RELAY_DOOR_OFF); digitalWrite(pin_close,RELAY_DOOR_OFF); } //////////// void loop(){ unsigned long time_delta=computeDeltaTime(time_begin); switch (fsm_state){ case OPENED: case CLOSED: case WAITING: default: Debug("waiting\n"); digitalWrite(pin_open, RELAY_DOOR_OFF); digitalWrite(pin_close,RELAY_DOOR_OFF); break; case CLOSING: if (time_deltamaxByte) cb=maxByte; //don't overrun the buffer, the remaining part of the message WILL BE LOST!! // We've received a packet, read the data from it udp.read(message, cb); // read the packet into the buffer message[cb]=0; //add a 0 after the content in the buffer return cb; } ////////////////////////////////////////// #define BUFFER_RX_MAX 100 #define ERROR -1 #define NOTHING 0 #define OPENTHEDOOR 1 #define CLOSETHEDOOR 2 #define STOPTHEDOOR 3 #define SWITCHTHELIGHT 4 #define STARTING 5 #define WAITINGFORCONNECTION 6 #define CONNECTED 7 class Communication{ public: int state; //last message received byte message[BUFFER_RX_MAX+1]; //+1 to add an additional 0 after the received bytes to ensure that the string is correctly finished, even if the sender sent some errors //////////// Communication() { state=STARTING; } //////////// void loop(){ //doc at https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/WiFiStatus if (state==STARTING){ //Wifi Configuration Serial.println ( "Wifi Configuration" ); #ifdef TRANSMITOVERWIFI Ip.fromString(ip); #endif WiFi.begin ( ssid, password ); // Wait for connection state=WAITINGFORCONNECTION; } else if (state==WAITINGFORCONNECTION){ if ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) { Serial.print ( "WAITINGFORCONNECTION\n" ); }else{ state=CONNECTED; } } else if (state==CONNECTED){ Serial.println ( "" ); Serial.print ( "Connected to " ); Serial.println ( ssid ); Serial.print ( "Local IP address: " ); Serial.println ( WiFi.localIP() ); Serial.println("Starting UDP socket"); udp.begin(localPort); Serial.print("Local port: "); Serial.println(udp.localPort()); state=NOTHING; } else{ if ( WiFi.status()==WL_CONNECTION_LOST){ Serial.print ( "WL_CONNECTION_LOST\n" ); state=STARTING; } else if ( WiFi.status()==WL_DISCONNECTED){ Serial.print ( "WL_DISCONNECTED\n" ); state=STARTING; } else{ int n=getMessage(message, BUFFER_RX_MAX); if (n==0) Debug("."); else{ Debug("packet received, length="); char msg[11]; snprintf(msg,10,"%d",n); Debug(msg); Debug(", content= "); Debug((char*)message); if (strcmp((char*)message,"OpenTheDoorCompletelyPlease")==0){ state=OPENTHEDOOR; Debug(" -> Open The Door\n"); } else if (strcmp((char*)message,"CloseTheDoorCompletelyPlease")==0){ state=CLOSETHEDOOR; Debug(" -> Close The Door\n"); } else if (strcmp((char*)message,"StopTheDoor")==0){ state=STOPTHEDOOR; Debug(" -> StopTheDoor\n"); } else if (strcmp((char*)message,"SwitchTheLight")==0){ state=SWITCHTHELIGHT; Debug(" -> SwitchTheLight\n"); } else{ state=ERROR; Debug(" -> Error\n"); } } } } } //////////// bool isOpenTheDoor(){ if (state==OPENTHEDOOR){ state=NOTHING; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isCloseTheDoor(){ if (state==CLOSETHEDOOR){ state=NOTHING; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isStopTheDoor(){ if (state==STOPTHEDOOR){ state=NOTHING; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isSwitchTheLight(){ if (state==SWITCHTHELIGHT){ state=NOTHING; return true; }else return false; } //////////// bool isError(){ if (state==ERROR){ state=NOTHING; return true; }else return false; } //////////// }; ////////////////////////////////////////// Communication communication; ////////////////////////////////////////// //Be carefull, The Watchdog resets every 4 seconds if the loop function is not finished ////////////////////////////////////////// void test_buttons_and_relays() { int b_o,b_c; Serial.print( "test_buttons_and_relays(): " ); b_o=digitalRead(BUTTON_OPEN); b_c=digitalRead(BUTTON_CLOSE); digitalWrite(RELAY_OPEN, b_o); digitalWrite(RELAY_CLOSE,b_c); Serial.print( "b_o: " ); Serial.print(b_o); Serial.print( ", b_c: " ); Serial.println(b_c); delay(100); } ////////////////////////////////////////// void setup() { //serial communication setup for debugging Serial.begin ( 115200 ); delay(100); Serial.println ( "Serial Configuration Completed" ); Serial.println( "Compiled: " __DATE__ ", " __TIME__ ", " __VERSION__); //GPIOs Configuration Serial.println ( "GPIOs Configuration (some already done through constructors)" ); //Wifi Configuration done in first iterations of communication.loop }; ////////////////////////////////////////// // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { //Serial.println(micros()); //test_buttons_and_relays(); //FSM Loops for buttons and communication have to be executed before using the state buttonOpen.loop(); buttonClose.loop(); communication.loop(); if (laserSensor.isActive()){ if( buttonOpen.isShortPressed()) door.open(DURATION_OPEN_SMALL_US); if( buttonOpen.isLongPressed() || communication.isOpenTheDoor()) door.open(DURATION_OPEN_US); if( buttonOpen.isContinuousLongPressed()) door.open(DURATION_OPEN_US); if( buttonClose.isShortPressed()) door.close(DURATION_CLOSE_SMALL_US); if( buttonClose.isLongPressed() || communication.isCloseTheDoor()) door.close(DURATION_CLOSE_US); if( buttonClose.isContinuousLongPressed()) door.close(DURATION_CLOSE_US); } else { //stop the door, there is an obstacle door.pause(); //remove pending commands from buttons and communication to avoid unwanted starting when the laser sensor will be active again buttonOpen.isShortPressed(); buttonOpen.isLongPressed(); communication.isOpenTheDoor(); buttonOpen.isContinuousLongPressed(); buttonClose.isShortPressed(); buttonClose.isLongPressed(); communication.isCloseTheDoor(); buttonClose.isContinuousLongPressed(); Debug("Laser Barrier Sensor has detected an obstacle, the door is stopped\n"); } if( buttonClose.isStoppedContinuousLongPressed() || buttonOpen.isStoppedContinuousLongPressed() || communication.isStopTheDoor()) door.pause(); if ( (door.isClosing() && buttonOpen.isPressed()) || (door.isOpening() && buttonClose.isPressed()) ) door.pause(); if (communication.isSwitchTheLight()) light.commute(); door.loop(); light.loop(); delay(100); //for debuging purposes, it slows the display } //////////////////////////////////////////